As reported earlier we're having our second baby in March. Seth and I are anxious, elated, and enjoying the quiet times before we have two children. We spend a lot of time talking to Benjamin about "his baby" and being a big brother. So far we haven't had the best success about getting the point across that a new addition is coming soon. Our conversations have been...
Me researching spa treatments for when I get home, pregnant belly (a photo shopped one! or it had dang well better be) appears on the screen, 3 year old sees belly...
"Look! A baby, Mommy! That's a baby!"
"It sure is, where is YOUR baby?"
"Ummm, baby on computer, see? That's a bayyyybeee"
"Where is BENJAMIN'S baby?"
3 year old then loudly burps, finds it hilarious, and you know the conversation is over.
Later that day, sitting on the couch with 3 year old...
"Benjamin, see mommy's belly? It's moving! That's your baby!"
3 year old glances over at belly, lifts my shirt, gives my belly a slap
Discuss being gentle with 3 year old, have him practice a gentle touch on my hand
3 year old goes back to shooting lasers and pretending he's a pirate
Surely bribery will work...
"Benjamin, I bet when your baby comes they are going to give you a present!"
3 year old looks up, somewhat amused, lets me know that Santa is the one who brings presents round' these parts.
Maybe once the baby comes things will sink in that we now have a new addition to our family. Then a couple month's later we will be asked when we get to bring the baby back.
Me researching spa treatments for when I get home, pregnant belly (a photo shopped one! or it had dang well better be) appears on the screen, 3 year old sees belly...
"Look! A baby, Mommy! That's a baby!"
"It sure is, where is YOUR baby?"
"Ummm, baby on computer, see? That's a bayyyybeee"
"Where is BENJAMIN'S baby?"
3 year old then loudly burps, finds it hilarious, and you know the conversation is over.
Later that day, sitting on the couch with 3 year old...
"Benjamin, see mommy's belly? It's moving! That's your baby!"
3 year old glances over at belly, lifts my shirt, gives my belly a slap
Discuss being gentle with 3 year old, have him practice a gentle touch on my hand
3 year old goes back to shooting lasers and pretending he's a pirate
Surely bribery will work...
"Benjamin, I bet when your baby comes they are going to give you a present!"
3 year old looks up, somewhat amused, lets me know that Santa is the one who brings presents round' these parts.
Maybe once the baby comes things will sink in that we now have a new addition to our family. Then a couple month's later we will be asked when we get to bring the baby back.