
Friday, February 1, 2019

A soundtrack I don't want

There have been a couple of songs that have played over speakers or in my head lately that are making a soundtrack to where we are at this point in life.

We got news that our daughter has cancer. She is 5 years old. She has curly brown hair. She is a fire cracker. She is the strongest willed person I know. We are hopeful she is going to beat this, and terrified of any other outcome. So terrified that I can't even say what that would be out loud.

When I drove her to the hospital for her first round of tests I had Color Blind by Counting Crows in my head. The beginning with the piano solo was on repeat. I've played it over and over when we were uncertain about her immediate and long term future. It wouldn't leave when I would go to the bathroom by my desk to cry so hard that no sound came out.

When I was grabbed into an embrace only a mother of 5 and grandmother of many more could give I heard Don't You Worry Bout a Thing by Stevie Wonder playing in our lobby. It was the first time I had a glimmer of faith that this will work out. I've prayed that God send me a burning bush with news. This was my first (that I saw clearly).

When I was scheduling her Oncology, Chemo, and other medical appointments Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie was playing.

All fitting. I'm sure there will be more to come. They all need to be positive though. It's very true- being hopeful and positive get you through.