This move to Dubai makes my third unpacking experience in three years. And oh how I can't stand this process. Stuff everywhere, things broken, things missing, and (the worst) realizing you have far too much stuff than any person should ever have. Unpacked boxes that you keep coming across thinking
oooh! what's in here?...and it's the same box filled with (ahem) wires and cords to who knows what- not to mention (however, I'm totally mentioning it) training manuals dating back to 2007.
Our new house is much smaller than our place in Cairo. I'm convinced the bottom floor of our new place could fit in our Cairo living room. Our Dubai place is great, we like it a lot, but I'm missing our spacious old home.The Cairo apartment had more storage space too. Which was great for stuffing and hiding away all the random things that made their way with us in the move. Like my 8th Grade graduation video. Or every name tag, parking tag (good ol' blue commuter tag!), and picture I've ever had. All those random things have made the journey across the Atlantic. All those random things are taking up precious space and making me crazy.
So we have been faced with a dilemma - get rid of a lot of our stuff. Stuff like clothes, shoes, coats (you do not need a coat here. like at all.), random things, random nick-nacks, toys, books, kitchen equipment, etc. I have been in massive
get this out of here mode. It's actually a great way to let go of any hoarding tendencies. If I hoard anything it's my kid's clothing. I have serious attachment issues to them. And, for the most part, they're now donated and being put to better use. However, as I'm typing this, I'm remembering the giant stash of clothing I have under Benjamin's bed. Hello. My name is Kristen. I'm a baby clothing hoarder.
I NEED that 3 month sized onsie with the alligator on it, damnit! I need it! |
I've been awesome about my clothes and shoes. Get them outta here! I don't work out of the home anymore, so most of my professional type clothing and shoes are gone. I also said goodbye to those very valued items in every woman's closet- the clothes you wore "back when". Back when you didn't have two children. Back when you were smaller and could fit in that small (yes, one of mine was a small) LBD that you've been clinging to because of the memories tied into it. Memories and the hope that, perhaps, one day you'll fit back into it. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I have yoga pants and Mom friendly knit shirts that are taking top priority right now in my life. So, you gotta go LBD. My lululululemmon (or however it's spelled- the really comfy yoga pants that are my new uniform) and sensible shirts need the shelf space. Good Bye, most cherished LBD, I'll miss you old friend.
Au revoir, mi amour. Au revoir. *Not you, Michelle, the dress. |
Due to the total pain that this unpacking has been (one that had us flying my Mom over for two weeks to help me finish unpacking) I've set a goal for myself. Every item I unpack after for our next move will have a place and a purpose. It will be something we will actually wear within the next year. Nothing saved "just in case I...". It will be a toy my kids are/will be playing with in that time frame. It will be kitchen items that don't have any duplicates. Or kitchen items that only have one specific purpose. I don't care if this little gadget is the best peeler for butternut squash in the world- single use items need to get gone. No clutter! Nothing that'll take up precious drawer/shelf/hanger real estate.
So, due to the obsession with chipping away at our "stuff", this year for Christmas we did something I found off Pinterest. It's the 4 Present Rule for your children. It's something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. It's the most amazing idea I've ever come across on Pinterest. Well, that and the
Pretzel Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Hey, how you doin'? |
I was so excited about this idea the entire month of December. I was talking it up and talking it up. My new found purpose of "no more needless junk" had me flying high on a wave of Parent Smugness. I was so sure of this plan...until Christmas morning. I woke up with a big lump in my stomach. I was really worried that my grand idea to keep it simple was going to ruin Benjamin's Christmas. Memories of my Christmas mornings as a child came flooding back to me. Memories of present after present with each one more awesome than the last. And here we are giving our son only 4 gifts. Was he going to open his books and think we were the lamest parents in the world? Like socks for Christmas. I mean, really parents? Wrapping socks and passing them off as a Christmas present? Were we now the socks-for-Christmas type of parents?!
"No, a Wii would have been just too much. I begged for one all year and all...but, hey, now my feet won't be so cold. A Wii can't warm your feet. Thanks Mom and Dad. Best.Christmas.Ever" |
I'm so happy to report that he was completely stoked to unwrap all his presents, and really enjoyed receiving all of them. Even his book...whooo! Best parents ever! Well executed plan! Also, even though he had 4 presents (okay, okay! 5! I'll admit it- I got him an extra book out of guilt) one of his gifts was a bike. He needed a bike. His balance bike wasn't cutting it anymore. He was starting to look like a Circus Bear riding a tiny bike. So he didn't have this Oliver Twist type of Christmas like I was imagining.
The Hungary Caterpillar? How did y'all know?!! You shouldn't have! |
Ready to ride the streets of Dubai |
Hopefully I can keep this vow of zero unnecessary stuff. I think I can. Not because I'm super committed to the cause...we just don't have the space. Downsizing- it keeps you honest.
I've been packing up to declutter and list my condo, so this hits close to home. so much unnecessary crap.